For the past 3 posts, we have been discussing how to create a log system. In our last post, we will be discussing the 3 things you should know while designing and operating a log system.

1. No matter what data you’re logging, later there will be a use.

It’s important to start recording and accumulating data as soon as possible. The more data you have, and the more detailed the data is, the better. Instead of focusing on making the most detailed log system you can, it’s more beneficial to start logging even basic data right now. This data is not only useful for operating the game, but also helpful for developing your next game.

2. Continuously think about from what point of view you will access and analyze the data from in the future.

Instead of just simply logging data, it’s important to think about what you will do with the data in the future. For example, if you want to make real time scaling in order to control the in-game economy/prices, it’s important to be as detailed as possible when structuring your log structure with regards to currency information. You want to fill in as much detail as possible with regards to, for example, when, where, how, doing what, and how much currency a player gained. If one wants closer maintenance of MD and BM, it’s important to have as detailed In-App Purchases logs as possible.

3. Periodically Check Your Use of Data. Add Data as Needed, Delete Data You Don’t Use

A good log, a useful log is one which is focused on the data which is meaningful to developers, data which identifies issues in games, and data which is important. To increase efficiency and server performance, it is important to periodically check your uses of data and remove data logs which aren't being used or analyzed. Periodically monitoring what data is lacking and what data is accumulating but isn’t being used will help in operating a log system.