TENTUPLAY Presenting “Business Strategies of the Metaverse Era” at PGC Digital #7

'PGC Digital #7', a conference held by the global mobile game media Pocket Gamer, was held online last week (July 12th~July/16th), The conference was attended by not only important gaming industry companies such as Zynga and Unity, but also by large tech firms such as Facebook, Tencent, and Huawei. The conference consisted of about 120 sessions, with TENTUPLAY being invited to speak at a session. At this conference full of gaming industry experts, TENTUPLAY’s BD Ian Cho spoke about the Metaverse during the ‘Beyond Games’ block.


<TENTUPLAY’S Ian Cho BD, Discussed “Business Strategies of the Metaverse Era” at PGC Digital #7>

The title of TENTUPLAY’s session was 'What the Heck is this Metaverse Everybody's Talking About? Defining the Metaverse & Essential Business Strategies' which peaked the interest of many. The talk focused on explaining clearly what the Metaverse is and offering business strategies for various fields of business for the Metaverse era.


<The Title Page of TENTUPLAY’s Visual Aid at PGC Digital #7>


<Excerpt From TENTUPLAY’s session at PGC Digital #7>

Following TENTUPLAY’s definition and categorization, Metaverse platforms can be categorized following the two axises of “Freedom of Activity” and “Independence From Reality” into 5 major categories. Of these categories, the Metaverse platforms which are at the center of attention recently are those which have both high Freedom of Activity and high Independence From Reality. Examples of such platforms include Decentraland, Fortnite, Zepeto, and Roblox.

You’re probably curious about our discussions of how the Metaverse will evolve, and how various businesses should position themselves for the Metaverse. We will be sharing the video of our session that happened on July 15th, 10 AM BST (6:00 PM KST) on our blog soon!


<Ian Cho Presenting on July 15th, 6:00 PM at PGC Digital #7>

Originally the PGC was a conference held in London, Helsinki, and other European cities but due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, was held online, continuing from the transition online last year. While we are disappointed that we were not able to meet experts in the gaming industry and discuss with them, we do appreciate the robust Q&A session that continued after our presentation, touching on topics such as the synergy of the development of the Metaverse and the K-Pop/Entertainment industry, the side effects of the Metaverse, and how TENTUPLAY can be applied to the Metaverse.

If you are interested in TENTUPLAY’s analysis of the Metaverse and business strategies for the Metaverse era, check out our Metaverse White Paper! We also welcome any questions! (contact@tentuplay.io)